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- Song Fu 3: Electric Booga... lee?
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It's that time again... time for me to beg you to vote for my song at the never-ending Song Fu contest:
Blah, blah, VOTE, blah, CRABBYDAD, blah, TURDS
Have I mentioned that I'm SO ready for this thing to be over. I've actually wanted to start posting here on a more regular basis, but this contest has sapped any stink of extra late-night energy right outta me.
Obviously, a lot has happened over the last month or three. Here are some of the highlights:
1. Tae Kwon Do + Miss O = medal
2. Spelling Bee + Mr. Z = trophy
3. tooth + looseness = Miss O losing first tooth ever
4. Me + wet burrito from The International Traveler's Club and Tuba Museum = cramps and explosive 'rrhea
5. basement + workers + all of our money = new basement
6. woodpecker's return + dad's bb gun = we'll see?
Let me know which one you want to hear about first and I'll get to it just as soon as I lose the Song Fu contest.

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