Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Scott Baio - Pregnant

Im sure there are lots of women out there who have had a rough pregnancy and thought I wish you could just understand what it would be like to endure pregnancy, well now we can. Scott Baio is pregnant. A stunt I know to see who is the "hotter" pregnant celebrity but at the end of the day let me know what you think guys?? Would you trade shoes with your partner/wife to have your child. To be honest I don't have a very high pain threshold so probably best if I pass on that. The nine months were terrible and I guess I would find it hard to do what my wife did. I would obviously give it a go but would prefer not to.

So do you think we should look at the question of "Would you prefer to have your child or would you prefer that your wife/partner did"? ... read more >>

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