Monday, 21 January 2008

What’s a Mother to Do?

Posted with permission from

Of all the difficulties single mothers face, the most distressing one may involve coming to grips with the current understanding about fathers. Fatherhood is no longer seen as being merely a biological or economic role for men. But as research continues to reinforce the fact that men make unique and vital contributions to their children's lives, there is no getting around the reality that some families must function without them. When this happens, must single mothers and their children be shortchanged, or can a single mother raise happy, healthy children? According to the Gurian Institute's training director, Kathy Stevens, they certainly can—and she should know. Stevens, who raised two sons as a single mother, has coauthored several books on children's needs. She recently spoke to Vision about what a single mother can do to make up for a missing father in her child's life. ... read more >>

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