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Do I really need to talk about today? Is it necessary to mention the goddamn foot of snow outside and the again-with-the-no- school and the hacking/hocking spawnage and the dickloads of work I have to do? Yeah, I thought not. I will mention this, though. Remember that game I invented where I basically take a nap on the couch and the spawnage put different things in my hand and I have to guess what said things are? Well, we were playing that again (surprise) and there was one item that had me completely stumped. It felt like some sort of little vial, and when I shook it, I could hear something lightly clattering around inside of it, but I couldn't figure out what the fuck it was. Finally, I gave up and opened my eyes. This is what I was holding:
It's a tiny glass jar that Miss O has apparently been saving her discarded, used band-aids in. That's my girl. Little Dr. Frankenspawn. You know, she's always wanted a little sister... maybe she's trying to clone a wee, scabby version of herself. Who knows what other little jars she's got stashed away, stuffed with fuck knows what? I think the next time I play the guessing-while-napping-game, I'm gonna wear me some rubber gloves.

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