Sunday, 17 February 2008

Whose role is it anyway?

I had a day at home to myself last week and took the opportunity to get my foot-long lawn mowed.

The truth is that with 3 very mobile little kids, the lawn mowing process is usually an affair that involves the whole family and most of the afternoon – the boys out there with their toy mowers, and me meandering around, making sure I stay well out of their way … which is easier said than done.

So, here I was, enjoying the alone-time when the mower from Noah putts out its last puff of smoke, and I spend the next hour and a half doing what every other handy Kiwi bloke would do … pulling the string thing to try and make it work.

Frustration got the better of me and I took it to the local mower doctor, who said it was dead as a doe doe … but the beauty of it was he could replace the engine with some new wiz-bang thing that, and I quote, "even the Missus could start … you could get her out there mowing the grass…" ... read more >>

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