Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Get more male teachers into preschool

Only 1% of all New Zealand early childhood teachers are men (down from almost 2.5% in 1992) which is one of the worst rates in the developed world. At a recent event in Wellington Russell Ballantyne, President of Men in Early Childhood Network New Zealand called this "a tragedy for thousands of New Zealand children".

"As a result many children who have no man at home, find no man at preschool and no man at primary school, and never meet a stable, reliable male figure in all their preteen years. Girls never experience nurturing from a trusted older male. Boys, cared for only by women, learn that nurturing is no part of the male job description. And in the absence of reliable men, too many of these boys learn their male role from violent television and music videos, and on the street" he said. ... read more >>

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