Tuesday 29 January 2008

Fathers to the rescue when mum is sick?

Surprise, surprise - a few days after our son got sick, my wife came down with the cold as well. It's a bit of a worst case scenario to get sick when you are breastfeeding, as "mum" is still needed for the feeds no matter how she is feeling. So how can dads help their partners while they are not well?

When my wife got sick I briefly wondered whether I should focus my extra attention on our baby or her? (like when you are on the plane and they go through the emergency procedure ... "make sure your mask is fitted before helping infants"). I concluded that both of them needed extra attention.

First things first - I made sure we had all the remedies in the house that she is allowed to take while breast feeding. The main one being Paracetamol ... apparently you are not supposed to take vitamin supplements etc. while breast feeding. Other standard cold remedy drugs are not suitable either so we mainly used Paracetamol and a lot of hot lemons with honey. ... read more >>

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