Wednesday 5 March 2008

Question to DIYFather: Becoming a dad again

I have been a dad before. Mid 90's to be exact. I have not seen my daughter since 2000. I would like to be a dad again. I am now in my mid-40's though, and finding a woman who is younger than 35, who wants to have kids AND wants to hook up with someone my age is proving a nightmare. Most women under 40 don't want anyone over 35. I feel very left out in the cold. I am finding it hard to even find a solo mum who wants a partner and someone to be a dad to her kid(s). I remember a while back you couldn't fight them off ... now it seems they don't want another man in their life - they are quite happy thank you very much just being the single mother raising their kid(s) - without any male influence. If you have any thoughts and ideas I'd be interested in hearing them.


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