Monday 18 February 2008

Creating Winners

At our end of year prize giving we celebrate the boys' achievements. Our leavers (Year 8s) are individually acknowledged. On these occasions, I am particularly conscious of personal best performances. In schools and in life in general, our top achievers are often in the spot light. Recognising this is important as we want people to excel in their area of passion.

However, society's aim must be to keep all children in schools achieving their personal best and this is the challenge. To do this teachers and parents have to ensure that they connect with the individual on a regular and real level where there is integrity in the relationship. Individual goal setting is crucial in this process. It may be an academic, social, cultural or sporting goal(s). Follow up guidance, structure and encouragement exponentially enhances the likelihood of success. Children need to have moments when they are made to feel special and their efforts are celebrated. ... read more >>

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