Sunday 24 February 2008

DIY quick fix - toys in the living room

Not sure whether others have the same problem but we found that over time our living room ended up looking like a toy store. Since we hang out there a lot and we want our little man to be part of life in the living room we had to take lots of his toys from his nursery to our lounge. Over time we got more and more, and finally it became a real struggle to keep them somewhat tidy - especially as we couldn't be asked taking them back to the nursery every night.

After several near mid-floor collissions and acrobatic acts to avoid tripping over or falling onto toys (some of which are surprisingly painful when wedged between your ribs) my mym came up with a simple solution. She got one of her fruit baskets, put all the toys in there and shoved it under the table. TAH DAH!

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